Friday, January 28, 2011

Getting discouraged

I haven't practiced asana in quite some time...and boy do I need it.  The Northeast was hammered with snow two nights ago, and I bundled up and did about 3 hours of hard-core shoveling.  My forearms and shoulders are paying the price...and instead of stretching it out with some yoga, I popped tylenol instead.  It works to ease the soreness...but does n-o-t-h-i-n-g  for the agitated mental state I'm in.

Yes, it's stressful to deal with so much snow.  It's stressful to try and catch up with everything after the weather delays...and it's stressful to try and keep things going. Since the start of the year, I've had my pet die, my car all but die (lovely new car ensued, along with it's "lovely", stressful car payments), I've had my in-laws visiting for 5 weeks (and still one more week to go!), I'm planning a birthday party for my soon to be 4 year old (and I'm in denial that he's getting older), and this is before I remind you that I'm not the only person living in my household (Husband and both boys have their own troubles/stresses/unhappy moments thrown into the mix).  

I can feel the scowl forming on my face as I'm driving to work.  I know I'm being impatient, maybe even a bit of a jerk, as I blast my horn because someone is sitting at a green light.  Or stopping in the middle of the street to drop a kid off at school (in reality, there's a 6 foot high snow bank on the shoulder where they should normally pull over...but still.  You *really* think it's safe and considerate to stop in the middle of the street to drop  a kid off?). 

I know a good yoga practice will help...I know it deep down in my bones.  And I look at my overbooked schedule, and find that there's no time in the near future that I can get there.  This sad fact makes the frown lines even deeper.  I know I should make the time to practice at home with one of my lovely DVDs...or even a Yoga Journal sequence (the magazine has been recommending some nice challenges the last two months)...and I always put it off:  "Oh, I'll do yoga after I've cleaned up" (I'm living with 3 boys - and 2 visiting in-laws - so we all know "cleaning up" is never finished).  "I'll put in the DVD when the kids go to bed" (and then I'm so exhausted that I fall asleep with them).  "I'll do it on Saturday morning before everyone gets up" (and the kids wake up at 6).  Easy to be discouraged, right? 
Luckily, I have my Yogi Tea every morning with a cute little message on the tea bag tag to keep me in the right frame of mind:

"Be kind and compassionate and the whole world will be your friend"

I don't know if I need the whole world to be my friend, but I know I'll be quite a bit happier by the reactions I'll get if I'm more kind and compassionate.

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