Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Busy week, quick post!

  I know that I usually offer up a Pose of the Week on Tuesdays, but it's been very busy and hectic in this neck of the woods, and I haven't done proper research on a pose for this week. 

I also didn't want to leave you hanging, dear readers, so I just wanted to make a quick post!  There are more things to come...I have a few DVDs to re-visit/review for you, some conversations to start, some more "Yoga Fashions", maybe a little giveaway in the near future, and of course, more poses of the week!  If there are things you'd like to see featured on the blog, please feel free to leave a comment (or two).  Who knows what conversations YOU might generate ;)

For now, in light of everything going on and the general craziness of life, I have some yogic wisdom (from my tea bag tag) to share.  I found it timely:

You must know that you can swim through every change of tide.

Yes, everyday the tides are changing, and while I may be doing the doggie paddle for some, you'll find me attempting to swim through every single one! 



  1. some days i think i am just treading water. but hey, at least my head's out of the water.

  2. Here's today's tea bag tag: Mantras you should never say: I don't know; I'm not ready; I can't do it.
    I'm not sure I agree with the first two, because I'm okay with admitting when I don't know and when I'm not ready. But the last one is good. I don't know if I can't do it unless I try. I don't know when I'm going to try...I don't know if I'm ready to try...but I will always try ;)
