Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crazy Coincidence!!!

I got my Yoga Journal magazine this week....and I'm waiting to dip into it. Waiting until I can devote some time and attention to the articles. I've been subscribing to the magazine for a little over a year now, and it's only been in the last few issues have I really gotten a lot out of reading it. They have food articles, "fashion" articles, media product reviews (books, dvds, cds), and of course philosophical articles - that have never piqued my interest before, but now they have a 3-part series on "Mantra" going, and I'm enjoying it. The hilarious thing is that I usually read it while I'm on the elliptical at the gym. Not the most "zen" experience, if you think about it.

So, the crazy coincidence comes into play since they also have a Facebook Fan page, of which I am a fan, and they give you updates from time to time when there's a new article on the Yoga Journal blog. The best part is that I'm a blogger, and I never read the Yoga Journal blog. I only read the Facebook newsfeed updates! It turns out that maybe I should tune in a bit more, because this week...coincidence of all coincidences...they featured Standing Forward Bend as their "pose of the week". On Tuesday. Right after I featured the *same* pose as my "POW"!

Now, I don't know if they regularly feature a pose of the week (you know how Facebook is: things you are "Fan" of don't always pop up on your newsfeed), but I felt so proud of myself that I chose a POW that the "big timers" chose as their Pose of the Week. I felt so connected. I felt like I knew what I was doing. I felt awesome...especially since I posted my POW before they posted theirs! (well, before I got the notice on my newsfeed that they had posted it).

Anyway, I immediately wondered, "Hey, do they read my blog? Wouldn't that be awesome?!?" But then I had to be honest with myself and wonder how in the world would *they* even know my blog existed? Did you, lone reader, message over to them and let them know? Is my readership up, and now Yoga Journal bloggers are Facebook subscribers to ME? A girl can dream. When I do a Google Search for my blog, using the exact title of my blog, it doesn't even come up, so I doubt they know I exist. I can always hope that the big yoga gurus are tuned into my little blog....but for now, I have to resign myself to the crazy coincidences....

...and whisper to you that Yoga Journal are the biters! But that's okay, I'm happy to share ;)

Share something you love with someone today.

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