Does "Fashion" really have a place on a yoga blog? Well.....sort of. I mean, we can't all be like Kathryn Budig and practice in the nude, so we've got to wear *something*. I don't think anyone is coming to their mat with the intention of impressing anyone with his/her wardrobe, but a yogi does want to be as comfortable as possible, and wouldn't want his/her garments to restrict efforts on the mat in any way. And maybe looking good will motivate you to get yourself on that mat!
As any gym-goer knows, workout clothes run the gamut from tight-fitting to loose & flowing, from low-cost to high-priced, from subdued coloring to wild and bright, and now even low-tech to high-tech! (I know it's not technically something you "wear", but did anyone see the new yoga mat from Gaiam, with the speaker port to plug in your iPod? Awesome, but probably best for home practice!)
So, I've been practicing yoga for several years now, so I have accumulated quite the collection of clothes, but I'm always on the prowl for new things. Also, sometimes I am stuck running errands before or after class, so I like to have things that look acceptable to be out and about in. And yes, "matching" is pretty high up on my list of priorities when purchasing yoga-wear!
This week, I thought I would focus on "bottoms". I usually wear long yoga pants (bootcut fit), and have several different brands. I have a couple of comfortable pants from Target (that I got for $25 or less!), in black and gray, that are pretty much my standbys. The fabric is not too thick, not too think, has plenty of spandex for stretch, but are also loose enough for a flattering drape. I also have a pair from the Gap's new "GapFit" line. Meh. They were around $35, and stylish with a foldover waist, but I don't love them because they are a teeny bit too long, and with the bootcut leg, the extra fabric (mostly cotton with a little spandex so they don't sag) can sometimes get in the way. I also have a grayish-teal pair from Athleta - their "Chaturanga bootfit", and while they are comfortable, the fabric is really heavy (reminds me of a cottony wetsuit), so I usually reserve them for cold-weather practice. I thought the color would be versatile, but it really isn't, so they don't match many of the tops I own. I know, I know, I'm not going there to impress anyone with my sense of style, but I still like to match ;) Athleta's pants are mid-priced ($50-$60), but because they are a partner store with the Gap, I can order online and use Gap rewards and discounts I accumulate, and get them for less!
For summertime, I still like to wear lighter-weight long pants, but I have a pair of capris and a couple of pairs of shorts and one skort. The skort is from Target, and is basically useless. I hardly ever wear it. Good thing it was from Target and didn't cost an arm or a leg! The capris are from Athleta in a lovely seal-gray color, and match with a LOT, but they have the same issue as my long pants from Athleta: the fabric is heavy and while it definitely stretches, it feels restrictive (ie, gives me "muffintop" at the waist), so I don't wear them often.
I am very curious to try the pants offered by Lucy, HardTail, and Lululemon, but they are really expensive ($80+), and I don't know if I'm ready to drop that kind of money on yoga pants - I don't even spend that on jeans, people. Maybe they'll last FOREVER, and the price will be worth it, but maybe the fabric will be thick like my Athleta pants, and I may be reticent to use them.
And then I get an email for this: http://www.lillypulitzer.com/women/active-shop/icat/active/&bklist=icat,4,shop,sportswear,active Really, Lilly? Really? You're not exactly known for "workout wear", so I can't imagine your $88 yoga pants are really going to be the best ones on the block for that price range. A colorful shift to show off my efforts on the mat? Yes. Stretchy, but cute (I'll give 'em that) black pants for being on the mat? I think that I may be thinking too much about how much the pants cost me to focus on my practice.
So, what do you wear on the mat? Maybe you l-o-v-e your lululemon's and think everyone should own at least one pair. Maybe your Target pants are aces. And maybe those Lilly pants do end up doing the job, after all! Please share and give your recommendations!
Fashionista tendencies aside, the most important transformation in yoga is the change that happens within!
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