This week's pose: Crow - because we're not quite done with inversions!
Well, a lot has happened since I last posted a Pose of the Week for you. There was Christmas (totally ate too much!), there was New Year's (totally drank too much!), there were 3 sessions of Bikram (totally sweat too much!), and now here we are - finishing up my series on inversions. Before you think that I've totally inverted you too much, Bakasana (known as Crow or Crane) is only technically an inversion because your hips are above your head. Whenever I find myself in Crow, I don't think of it as an inversion so much as a balancing act!
Bakasana is a fun little arm balance which strengthens your wrists, forearms and abs (OH yes, you will feel your abs in this little pose - it's unwittingly half of the posture. If you aren't using your abs to support your core, there is no way you'll find yourself in Crow/Crane). This posture also improves your digestion (ahem, c-o-r-e-!-!) and opens your hips and back.
There are a lot of ways to get into this arm balance. Each time I am in class and an instructor shows a new variation on settling into this posture, I get psyched that I'll finally find the secret to Crow. I'll finally be able to fly. I'll finally be able to nail it. Then I get into the posture, and see how much of it involves the abs, and I'm just not as well "developed" in that region, so I can't hold the posture for long.
This past Wednesday, I was able to squeeze in one of Josh's classes, and how pleased was I that he directed us into Crow towards the end of the class, especially given my dissatisfaction with my Bikram sessions?!? It was great! (I dedicate this post to my bestie Liz, by the way. I remember when she shared that she had held crow for a few seconds and it felt so great. We all have had a similar feeling throughout our practices, so we all know she deserves to have that effort honored!)
So, this is how Josh brought us into Bakasana: We started with feel hip-distance apart, and began with a squat. Once comfortably in our squats, we placed our hands on the floor in front of us, with our elbows pressing against our inner knees. Using the elbows to press the knees apart while using the knees to hug the elbows together, we had to engage our abs in order to lift our toes off of the floor. One leg up was an achievement, but both legs up was quite the accomplishment! Yes, I nailed the posture for precisely 3.5 seconds - but I did it! And it felt like flying!
Will you go flying this week? Give it a try...you just might take off with a whole lot of grace!
Whether you give or share, are kind or not, never let your grace fail.
yay for you! i like the description of how to get into crow. may have to try it!
ReplyDeletemiss josh, his calm wisdom! my teacher in delhi is big on inversions, have to do headstands, bridge, shoulder stands(5 mins!) EVERY class. inversions are my nemesis, so begrudgingly appreciate her making me do them, otherwise would avoid like plague. someday, will be master, but for now, am lowly apprentice!
ReplyDeleteCalm Wisdom is right! I was fortunate enough to have time to squeeze in a much needed session yesterday. Love your perspective on Inversions...I think it's a positive one to have that I need to be reminded to take (and one that keeps us from being intimidated by challenging postures in yoga!)