POW! This week's pose: Viparita Karani - because it's time to restore some normalcy. Aren't you tired of being inverted? This is my last posture in my series on Inversions. I've been offering inverted poses for quite a while, and I thought it would be nice to end the series with this gentle, restorative posture. Many experienced teachers swear by this posture, claiming it will cure all ailments. I don't make any promises about that, but I do promise if you spend some time in this posture, you'll feel a whole lot better than you did before you entered!
It's hard to dislike Legs-up-the-wall pose. It gives you a chance to quiet your mind and relieve some stress and anxiety. It doesn't seem like you're doing much because it's not an active posture, but you are going to diminish the fatigue in your legs, prevent varicose veins (win!), soothe the nervous system and offer relief from backache/headache/insomnia. It will also noticeably increase the circulation, as your fluids start flowing in the opposite way they traditionally flow. After a minute or two in Viparita Karani, you'll feel your worries and stress melt away, and sometimes a prop or two can enhance this sensation (note the eye pillow and bolster in the photo above - two props which I regrettably don't own)
It is rather easy to come into this posture, and it makes a lovely alternative to savasana at the end of your practice. It also is a lovely posture to visit at the end of a l-o-n-g day or anytime you feel you need a few minutes break. The longer you're in posture, the more of it's restorative properties you'll benefit from! Sit sideways against a wall, with either your right or left hip touching the wall. Lean back and rest your weight on your hands as you swivel your hips and bring your feet up the wall. Keep your rear end as close to the wall as possible and lie down on your back. You can rest a folded blanket or bolster at your lumbar spine to assist with relaxation. Close your eyes and rest with your arms to the sides - breathe softly and evenly. Relax.
No matter the kind of week you've had, you can always benefit from a little restoration!
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