Get ready to be blown away. I have been since I first saw this video, and can't stop thinking about it.
Okay, Yoga isn't about this. But it is no less awe-inspiring to see a talented practitioner and wonder what it takes to get there. I can't begin to imagine how many hours of practice Briohny has logged in to reach this stage of lithe...and she's probably not snacking on Pirates Booty as she sits at her laptop blogging away (that would be ME). The thing is, it always brings me back to the realization that there is always somewhere for my yoga practice to go.
7 years in, I can do some pretty impressive things - things that I couldn't dream of doing when I started. But, like LIFE, my practice is a journey. A journey that can't possibly be complete after 7 years on the mat or 70 years on the mat. Truth be told, as serious as she is, Briohny is likely having FUN, and I can't wait to have fun, too.
Please share your thoughts on the video. Crazy? Inspirational? Soft porn? A lofty pipe-dream? Plain and simple, I just love it.
Here's the motto of the Month for Sagittariuses (courtesy of Harper's Bazaar): No amount of darkness can hide a spark of light. For Leos: Be good or be good at it.
Awesome video! I wouldn't call it porny, although I did raise an eyebrow at the giant unmade bed looming behind her. I mean, is that necessary? To make things even more bizarre there's clearly someone IN the bed, totally sprawled in the covers. Obvs s/he is not nearly as motivated as Briohny...