Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Santosha FAIL

Contentment.  Serenity. Feeling positive.  "Santosha" embodies all of these things, and I haven't scratched the surface in observing them this week.  In fact, I've been in an awful mood, and disgruntled and dissatisfied with everything.  Epic FAIL on my observance of the Niyamas.

Yesterday was Monday, and I felt like I was fairly disciplined over the weekend (I did yoga, I studied for my History and Philosophy test on Wednesday, I graded my students' labs & tests, I even went to church!), but I stepped on the scale and started the day "up" a pound.  (Another pound, I should add, because I've just added on pound by pound, and at this point, my clothes are starting to not fit.  Not cool.  THAT is a problem because I like my clothes, and I can't afford to buy new ones!).  I could have avoided my bad mood by not stepping on the scale, I suppose, but that would have been dishonest.  I "accepted" my number, stepped off the scale, and pledged to be more mindful with regards to diet and exercise.

I showed up to school, and not one student in my 1st period class had done their reading assignment over the weekend.  This was frustrating, because I had spent a good deal of time over the weekend grading their tests and labs, and they couldn't be bothered to read an article on Human Growth Hormones.  I could have avoided my bad mood by not assigning weekend homework, I suppose.  I "accepted" their inability to discuss the article, and re-assigned it for the next day.

I returned home from work to a delicious smell - my husband had cooked a huge pot of gumbo for dinner.  Immediately my mind focused on my diet, knowing that gumbo has sausage which isn't very healthy, and I worried about the scale again.  I "accepted" that dinner was made, and ran out to run an errand.
Later, I came home just in time for dinner to be served, and instead of finding serenity in the fact that I didn't need to worry one single bit about shopping for ingredients, I didn't need to cook the meal, I didn't even need to clean up the prep for the meal, I focused on what wasn't done - things like the kids' backpacks being "unpacked", the homework papers still scattered on the table, legos that were all over the floor.

I wasn't content, even though I had so much to feel positive about, so much to be grateful and thankful for.  I'm ashamed of myself, especially since this is a week where I am supposed to be seeking contentment, observing Santosha.  I owed my husband a HUGE apology this morning - whether or not he "accepted" it is another matter; I wouldn't blame him if he didn't!  I owe myself a "re-do", and I need to re-evaluate my ability to find "contentment".

Good thing tomorrow is another day!

Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.” 
― Lao Tzu

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