Friday, August 24, 2012

Flying on the Mat

What a week!  Even still, I found time to fly on my mat, thanks to a great Wednesday session by Josh.
Summer is ending, dear readers.  Soon, it's time to acclimate myself (and my children) to a regular daily schedule, which will be unlike any other September that has come before.  This is mainly because I'll be heading back to school for my Yoga Teacher Training.  I've never been a "student" while being a mother, let along a working professional (unlike a lot of my colleagues, I completed my Masters Degree before I started my teaching career).  Thankfully, I'm comfortable in my skin as both a mother and a teacher, so I feel like I'm up for the challenge - fully admitting that it is going to be nothing short of a challenge.
I digress.  I have roughly one week left to squeeze in as much yoga as I can.  I do feel that "yoga as I know it" is going to change, once I enter the teaching program, so I want to experience flying under someone else's guidance while I have the opportunity, and that's just what Josh presented this past Wednesday - so fitting, as he announced that a sub will be filling in for his class next week.  You all know how I feel about substitute yoga teachers.  This week was enough to last two weeks - as we worked heavily on Balancing postures, which are my strong suit.
It's been a while since I've felt like I've been flying on my mat.  Maybe I've been distracted (trying to recall/practice Sanskrit, thinking about what I should blog, worrying about my bra showing), maybe my focus hasn't quite been on-point, maybe instructors haven't felt much like having us fly.  Whatever the reason, it's been a while, and this past Wednesday, I got a sweet taste of flying.  It renewed everything I love about yoga.
I don't know if it's an "official" posture or asana, but we moved via swandive into a crescent lunge.  For that brief moment before your back foot touches down, you're balancing on one leg, and it makes you feel like you're flying.  I love this feeling, so I extended my leg for as long as I could - Imagining myself as a graceful bird taking flight. I savored the feeling, and whenever the opportunity arose within the practice to do it again, I balanced.  I let my leg go long and slow, my arms go wide and expansive, my breath come in deep, just to prolong the feeling of flying.
Flying doesn't come often on the mat - you have to be in the right zone - but when the moment arises, carpe diem, friends, and enjoy every second!  Maybe when I'm a yoga teacher, I'll try to work in a little flying with every session.  That's how good it feels.

" Be sure to breathe... Hold the posture, not your breath" - Josh


  1. How AWESOME! So excited for you. Happy first day at yoga school!!

  2. I'm very excited myself, but very grateful you're reading :) Thank you, "Anonymous"!

  3. Best of luck for you yoga classes and try to learn it accurately so it can helps you in near future.
    Yoga for kids teacher training
