Monday, July 2, 2012

The Monday morning shuffle

12 years ago, before kids, before the suburbs, before yoga even, I married my college boyfriend.  We called each other "sweetheart", but wouldn't exactly say we were sweethearts.  We were a guy from a foreign land and a girl from a small town who met at a small, liberal arts college and liked hanging out together.  We did some crazy things things way-back-when, and eventually decided that we liked each other enough to get married.  Actually, Husband was transferred to London, and I said there was no way I was joining him unless I was a little more than a "girlfriend" - and he could start with a rock and piece of paper (scissors not necessary).
Fast-forward all these years, and we're now firmly ensconced in the suburban life, along with all of our peers, who probably have eerily similar stories about how they got "here" - and became part of the bleary eyed, Monday morning shuffle.  It's really no different from any other morning shuffle - you still have to be in the same places you were on Friday, at roughly the same times - so why does Monday get such a bad rap?  It has nothing to do with celebrating your 12 year anniversary with some champagne and a bottle of wine the night before, that's for sure (although it's certainly not helping...)
In our household, the summertime Monday morning shuffle involves Swim team for the first kid, daycamp, errands, phone calls and emails, swim team for the other kid (they're in different levels, otherwise this shuffle might be leagues easier!) and all of this before 11:30.  Is yoga a possibility?  It's always a possibility...maybe not a studio class, but I could try some home practice with a DVD or some flow that comes to me once I'm on the mat.  What I DO know, is that some well-spent time on the mat will help the Monday feel a lot less manic and a lot more marvelous!
As the saying goes, today is the first day of the rest of my life.  I'm grateful for the last 12 years with Husband, growing our family, our experiences, our life.  I approach this Monday with more gratitude to start the next 12 years with more growth, experience, and LIFE.  
*Knowing that the next Manic Monday will be spent in Paris certainly helps, too ;)

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