Saturday, June 30, 2012

We're just warming up!

Are you ever lucky enough to arrive "early" for a yoga class?  I'm usually the gal who is there just a moment before the instructor begins with just enough time to find a spot, unroll my mat, and sit down.  Truth is, I don't know what to do with myself if I do happen to get there any earlier.  Do you find a pal and strike up a conversation, only to have it overheard by everyone else in the room and need to awkwardly end it when the instructor comes in to begin?  If not, do you sit there like an anti-social dolt completely avoiding eye contact? (that would probably end up being me!)   There is only so long you can scrutinize the sole of your foot.  Maybe you take yourself as a serious yogi and begin a meditation of some sort.  Come on, isn't it just easier to sneak in at the last second?  **Although, I must admit that my sneaking in at the last second is rarely planned or thought out - it's oftentimes the result of suburban traffic or straggling kids.
On Saturday, I had the opportunity to take a studio yoga class (hey, I broke down and bought a class card, so I have 10 classes to squeeze in before the end of summer!), and I got there a whole 3 minutes early.  I hadn't scrutinized the schedule, and when I arrived, the instructor informed me that it was a level 2/3 class.  I asked if I needed any special props, and she said "Well, you know your own practice, so get any blocks, straps, or blankets you need..."
The class wasn't packed - maybe 8 students - I grabbed a blanket, and easily found a place to unroll my mat that wasn't awkwardly close to anyone else. I found a comfortable seat, and waited for the class to begin; I was the only one sitting still.  The guy in front, decked head-to-toe in Lululemon (even his mat!) was doing some spinal twists.  The lady next to him was busy rolling her hips over a bolster.  The chica two mats away from me was doing some Pilates warm-ups, and the gal right next to me was using a strap to do some forward folds.  I started wondering if maybe the teacher had poked her head in and given some instruction to these early-arrivers that I had missed.  This was a "Level 2/3 class", afterall!
I refused to be intimidated by these go-getters.  I just sat in my "criss-cross applesauce" comfortable seat and waited.  I didn't do any breathing exercises, no warm-ups for me.  I kept it in the back of my mind that if it was a level 2/3 class, I was about to be worked over pretty hard, and I didn't want to waste any bit of energy on some impressive warm-up techniques.
You know what?  Sitting still worked for me.  Sure, I felt a bit awkward being the only one in the class who was not loosening up, but by the end of practice, I'm quite sure no one was wondering why I hadn't done any pre-practice exercises.  Then again, if they were wondering, it doesn't matter.  I didn't come to the class to impress or justify anything to them.  I came to the class for myself.  If I want to wait for practice to begin by sitting there patiently, I can sit there patiently.  No need for pre-practice gymnastics or bizarre breathing patterns.  On Saturday, they were my three extra minutes - three minutes without whining 5 year-olds, a beckoning pile of laundry, or neighborhood leaf-blowers.  Just sitting there and enjoying was the proverbial calm before the storm of the "Level 2/3 class".
Next time you find yourself lucky enough to arrive 3 minutes early for a yoga class, by all means, do what you feel most comfortable doing as you warm-up,  waiting for practice to begin.  Just know that if I'm on the mat next to you, I'm going to be enjoying my 3 minutes to the fullest - by sitting there and doing nothing.

ps - I made it through the class, for the win.

"It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity" - B.K.S. Iyengar

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