Monday, September 6, 2010

My summer practice comes to an end...

Labor Day must be a teacher's least favorite day of the year. Summer is ending, the anticipated return to work, the chance to "start anew" with a new group of students - as you can imagine, there is a wild mix of emotions. This year is no exeption for me. After several days of prepping my classroom , I'll admit that I AM ready to return to work, and I'm truly looking forward to the chance to work with a new crop of kids, to see if we can work as hard as last year and achieve the same successes, and perhaps some new ones!

What's new for me this year is that I'm lamenting the end of summer for a completely different reason. Frankly, I'm ready for autumn because I'm thoroughly done with the crazy heat we've had this year. What I'm most despondant about is the fact that I KNOW I am not going to be able to practice yoga nearly as often as I've been able to this summer - and I'm unsure what the repercussions are going to be!

I've practiced more regularly than I've ever practiced before - ie, I've not missed more than 2 days in a row since July. For this reason, I've been able to notice unprecidented growth in my practice. I feel centered and calm (and it has more to do with yoga than it has to do with having the summer "off"). I've realized benefits that I truly don't want to see diminish - I'm kinda liking the way my deltoids look: thank you plank, chaturanga, and up-dog! I don't want this hard work to turn right back to flab. Plus, despite this hard work, I still haven't been able to say adios to my 5 pounds from Mexico. Will those 5 pounds turn into 10 now that I'm not doing yoga as often? Talk about a nightmare!!!

In preparation, I did order a few new DVDs to help tide me over and at least encourage me to get on my mat(I promise to give reviews once they come in and I give them a go). I am going to keep an open mind about practicing this way, but realistically, I know the challenges I am up against: kids and their jungle gym climbs on my posture, finding time, having committment to do it after a long day at work, the usual obstacles working folks have. I AM hopeful that my blog will keep me focused and motivated to continue with a home practice, and I know I am at least committed to keeping the gym's yoga schedule memorized so I can get to class whenever possible.

This should be an interesting few months. I encourage you to check back and read about my progress (and DVD reviews), but more importantly, I encourage you to drop in and SHARE your experiences. How do you deal with your workout obstacles (whether your workout is Yoga or something else)? What tricks and tips do you have to offer for staying committed to the mat? What DVDs are really working for you? How is your home practice coming along? Share away, dear readers!


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