Today is my husband's birthday, and suffice it to say, we've got a little bit of fun lined up. 3 whole days of it...and I'm wondering if this is what it feels like to be a 24 hour party person (minus the heroin, mind you; that's just plain illegal!). There's bound to be some over-indulging. HOW do you fit in a yoga practice? "Over-indulging" really doesn't seem to have a place in yogic philosophy - a philosophy which teaches the value of living simply, of being satisfied with what you have in the here and now, not necessarily in shutting the place down (which we have been known to do on more than one occasion). In the midst of excessive partying, however, a yoga practice might be "just what the doctor ordered"!
There are many levels to the beauty of a yoga practice, and that's what I love about it. Sure, there's physical beauty as you work through your postures, but there is also great beauty in breath work and mindfulness. The meditative aspects of the practice give you the opportunity to reflect (was that last taco such a good idea?), to re-center (the ground is down, and the room has stopped spinning), and to re-set. The breath work helps to calm your nervous system (especially one that's feeling a little queasy after one too-many beverages). The asana actually helps to rejuvenate the body, doing more than just strengthening and lengthening. You can use your posture to restore things to normal, and twisting postures, in particular, are wonderful at detoxing, physically squeezing your internal organs and "rinsing" the toxins out (ever notice how you have to go to the bathroom after a yoga practice?)
So, are we in agreement? After a night of heavy partying, first stop is your yoga mat. Even if you just lie there and meditate, you're still doing yoga...but if you have the energy for a gentle practice, it can be a great boost to your well-being. And if you don't "learn your lesson", and pick up right where you left off with the excessive partying? Well, good things there's no "Yoga Police" who are going to come around and admonish you for ignoring the Yamas and Niyamas! Yoga's a rather forgiving discipline, and will be waiting for you whenever you're ready to step back on the mat.
In the meantime, Happy Birthday, Darling Husband, and I'm looking forward to celebrating many, many more with you!
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