Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall DeTox

This Fall, "cleansing" and "detox" seem to be all the rage.  As an avid reader of Yoga Journal, I have been interested in their 7-day Fall DeTox, but I also know of no fewer than 3 other people who have been doing some sort of Green Tea or DeTox cleanse in as many weeks. 

The reasons for doing a cleanse are as varied as the number of people doing them.  Some do it to recharge their batteries, some do it for weight loss (which will be fleeting unless you radically change your eating and exercise habits following the cleanse!) , and some do it to literally cleanse the body of toxins.  When I thought about it, I was surprised to consider that toxins come from anywhere: from medications, environmental pollutants, additives to cosmetics and beauty products, unhealthy foods, bottles of champagne and wine at your friend's house on Tuesdays, etc. After reading up on some of the benefits of the program from Yoga Journal and considering the summer I had, I decided that this is something I should do. 

Yoga Journal's 7-Day Detox is based on the principles of Ayurveda.  In order to properly reap the benefits of this cleanse, you start by taking a short quiz to determine which Dosha is dominant with you right now.  We are all a combination of Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, but one or two of these may be stronger in you than others.  Weeks ago, I already determined that I was strongly Pitta with slight tendencies toward Kapha.  What this means is that I will be adding Pitta-balancing nutrients and foods to the Detox recipes.  What I like about this Detox is the fact that you are instructed to eat real live food.  Delicious food, full of flavors, exotic though they may be.  Food that I would normally eat at an Indian Buffet on any given Sunday.  Other cleanses severely limit your food intake (The Green Tea cleanse has you ingesting nothing more than green tea for 5 days.  Sure, you'll lose a bunch of weight, but when you go out to eat a nice meal on the 6th day, you'll put most of it back on and likely suffer indigestion as your body goes into shock from processing actual food).

I checked out the recipes, and despite an abundance of local Indian grocers where I could root around and find some of the more exotic spices and ingredients, I took the shortcut and ordered an Ayurvedic Cleanse kit from Banyan Botanicals.  It was a little pricey, but it saved me a lot of time and I can be sure that I have all the right herbs and supplements needed for the 7 day detox.

The main dish I'll be eating for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner is a rice-based stew called Kitchari.  It's made with ghee, a clarified butter, that I've heard about but never actually tried.  It also includes Mung Beans, which are oval-shaped beans similar in texture to a lentil.  I started by warming the ghee and adding some of the spice from a pouch that came with the Ayurvedic kit.  Then I added the Mung beans, Basmati rice and several cups of water.  This simmered on the stove until tender (about 30 minutes because I had pre-soaked the beans and rice).  My Pitta tendencies dictated that I should add some carrots, green beans, and zucchini to the recipe to DELICIOUS results.  Yes, it's going to be hard to choke the same meal down for 21 meals straight, but at least it tastes good!  I can vary things a little by adding a spoonful of coriander "chutney" now and then and drink some vegetable broth, but for the most part this Kitchari is it. 

So, I'm in the middle of my 3rd day, and I have been less than perfect.  My kids asked for candy corn at the store yesterday, and I indulged them...and proceeded to indulge myself throughout the afternoon!  I'm annoyed with my lack of willpower, but nothing unpleasant has happened to me.  The scale isn't doing anything spectacular, but I'm not necessarily doing this to lose weight.  I mean, don't get me wrong - a pound or two less would be welcome, but the increase in energy, the introspection, the clearer skin, and general improvement in self esteem are what I'm after.  I already feel like I'm doing something great for myself, and that in and of itself gives a great boost.

Well, I'm off to give my kids some RedMango and do everything in my power NOT to give in to temptation.  This will be the ultimate test!

What he had yearned to embrace was not the flesh but a downy spirit, a spark, the impalpable angel that inhabits the flesh - Antoine deSaint-Exupery

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