"Dahling, it's better to look good than to feeeeel good..." Billy Crystal has never uttered truer words (cue my 3 inch JCrew peeptoes). Except for those of us on the Yoga Mat. The whole reason we're there on our little rubbery 2.5 by 6 foot rectangles is for the sole purpose of "feeling good". I've never heard everyone mutter after class "Now I feel like complete and utter crap". But when you're feeling good, sometimes it *does* help to look good, too.
The workout-gear industry has capitalized on this, and we usher in the designer yoga togs. We have cute graphic tees by "No resistance", burn-out and dip-dyed tunics by "anjali", ruffly camis (like the one pictured) by "HardTail" - how do you do yoga in that, btw? Looks more like a cami for PJs rather than something for on the mat - and my pet fave, slogan tees by "Postitive Thought Brand" (love the ones that say "set your intention" and "just breathe" - positive mantras that easily work off the mat as they do on the mat!).
So how much do you have to pay for style and comfort? Well, of course, that depends on the brand. The great online yoga gear emporium http://www.yoga-clothing.com/ runs the gamut from $106 yoga tunics (really? Really!) by Yogi to $28 basic thermals (sale price!) by Alternative Apparel. The crop lace tank by HardTail, by the way, is on sale for $28 this week. The average price for these "Yoga Tops", however, seems to be in the $30 to $40 range, even at other e-retailers like http://www.londomondo.com/ . Luckily, most of these tops (particularly those by Postive Thought Brand) can transition from yoga class right into relaxed-wear that you wouldn't be embarrassed running errands in.
Of course, regular old t-shirts will do...but why make due, when you don't have to ;) Fashion is fun, never to be taken seriously on the mat:
Knowing all objects to be impermanent, let not their contact blind you, resolve again and again to be aware of the Self that is permanent. - Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
love the top! it's so cute. also loving your blog btw :)
Thanks! I'm glad you decided to follow ;) Welcome!