Hello Dear Readers! I hope you're not terribly disappointed, but I don't have a Pose of the Week for you this week.
You see, I've been feeling quite rushed the last two weeks, and worse, I haven't had time to "surf the net", let along BLOG, while at home! I've had to, quelle horreur, do my blogging from work...something which I'm sure the administration would frown upon. For the record, I blog during my lunch hour (or should I say 40 minutes), and as far as I'm concerned, that is *my* time, and I should be able to spend it how I wish. Most days, it's entertaining students who elect to come to my classroom rather than the lunchroom (who can blame them?!?), but on Tuesdays, I've been taking a few minutes to write my blog. What's resulted is rather uninspiring posts...posts that are done just to say that I made a post this week and I'm therefore "maintaining" my blog. It's so much better when I put more thought into things.
So this week, I'm bucking the trend and not blogging a Pose of the Week. I'll make some time to do proper research and have a Pose for you next week...so don't despair...please stop back. This week, I thought I'd do a bit of musing instead.
I purchased a new brand of tea about a week ago; "Yogi Tea" was jumping right out at me from the Fairway shelf. I don't mind trying a new flavor now and again (although a hard favorite is Twinings French Vanilla Chai, I must admit!), but this tea comes with an added little bonus: The teabag tags have little quote of "wisdom". So far, 90% of them don't make sense (Don't seek out disappointment, but don't be a source of disappointment" - Huh?!?), but every 10th cup of tea or so, I get a nice little gem.
Last week, I had one that read, "For every change, there is chance for a new positive". At first, I thought "meh". Then, I set aside some time in my schedule last Sunday to take Heidi's yoga class at the gym....only to find that Heidi is no longer teaching that class! No explanation, no sign on the door, no reason really. Just a new girl is there saying she doesn't know what is going to happen to the class. Now, Heidi has been my go-to girl since Diann stopped working at my gym, so this revelation has the potential to be traumatizing for me. But I paused, remembered my teabag tag, and took a deep breath. I could do this. I could give the new girl a chance; for every change there is a chance for a new positive. Too bad one of the other people in the class didn't think so - she just got up about 15 minutes into the practice, noisily gathered her mat, flopped her shoes on and briskly walked out. It was so rude, but fascinating at the same time. The teacher wasn't awful - she actually had quite a soothing voice and gentle, nurturing insistence that we might not be able to get into a pose today, but we'll build on it and get there maybe next week or next month. Anyway, this woman stormed out, and I couldn't imagine what was so offensive about this teacher other than the fact that she wasn't Heidi. That student needed some Yogi Tea, for sure!
This morning's teabag tag, by the way, said "Your life is based on the capacity of energy in you, not outside of you". I haven't decided yet if this tag falls in the 10% category of "useful thoughts", but I'll get back to you on that.
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