Just a quick post today...
First, I felt I should give an update on my "Do Yoga Everyday for a Week" goal. I am a teacher, and during the school year, I don't have the time (a more dedicated yogi would say, "oh, you just don't make the time...") to practice as often as I like. I do squeeze in a class whenever I can, but once school is in session, classes at 9am during the week just aren't going to work, nor are evening classes at 7pm, which is precisely bedtime for my two littlest boys. Weekends are relegated to grocery shopping, cleaning, and laundry, plus kids' sports and other committments. It's hard to practice.
SOOOOO, I take full advantage of the summer and the more flexible schedule I have as a "sSAHM" (seasonal Stay At Home Mom), and practice as much as I can. At the start of the summer, I made a pledge to myself that I would take at least one week and try doing yoga every day, and I was finally able to accomplish this goal. So, why the insistence on every day? Well, I do read a lot of celebrity rag-mags, and everyone with a fab body always chalks it up to Yoga. Madonna, Gwyneth, Jennifer, you name the celeb, they name yoga.
My results? No, I don't look like a celebrity. It's going to take a lot more dedication than one week (and a LOT less M&Ms). But I feel happy, which is probably more than I can say for the aforementioned celebs! The accomplishment of meeting a goal, of course, gives you a bit of a "glow", but I do feel more limber, and I feel like it's almost part of a routine now...I just knew each day that I was going to find myself on a mat at some point during the day. After my dedicated week, I did take a 2 day break (Thursday and Friday) from yoga...but I still did some cardio at the gym. Today, I think I'll hop back on the mat and look forward to some more opportunities this week. Maybe by September I'll have that celeb bod...
Speaking of celebrity rag mags - in the latest issue of "Life and Style", who is pictured paddling down some river on an SUP (stand up paddleboard - see last week's post)? And speaking of SUPs, what was featured, front and center, in the New York Times Style Section this past Thursday? And where were the paddleboarders headed? To do Yoga on the beach. Sometimes the connections we can make are a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
As I mentioned last week, our SUP has been ordered, and as my final update today, it is due to arrive on Monday. Will I hop on and paddle on over to my SUP yoga class? You'll just have to check back and see ;)
Connect with your spirit on the mat. Soon. I promise it will feel good...
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