Ever since trying this equipment, it's been all he can talk about. He's been extensively researching the styles, sizes, colors, etc. It's been borderlining on obsessive. I've just listened with a patient ear, and not been terribly enthusiastic. I don't find anything wrong with the SUP, but I just can't envision myself getting psyched about being on it. In an effort to get me "on board" (ha ha), good ole' hubbs shared with me some photos he came across while doing his research.
Did I mention this research was extensive? It has been so extensive, he actually found a club who does YOGA on these paddleboards. Yes, readers, yoga. While balancing on a surfboard. Some of these moves are hard enough to accomplish on land, let alone balancing on a SUP in the middle of a body of water. Take a gander: (these photos are ripped off the web - credit seems to belong to the Black Swan Yoga club).

Okay - Photo one: You can get an idea of what the SUP looks like. The chick in the black bikini and the dude in the back seem to be using their paddles to maneuver through the water. (They're just getting into position for their awesome stunts later.) In the foreground, Boat pose seems cheekily appropriate, but I can imagine this is giving her abs quite a workout. The girl in Thunderbolt pose would be about as adventurous as I envision myself getting.

Photo 2: Wow. Check out the ink. Check out that perfect side angle. Check out the bind. Check out the ABS. Just incredible. Again, a challenging pose on land...I can't even think about trying this while balancing on a paddleboard.
Photo 3: This one is my favorite. Partner Yoga on an paddleboard. There are many, many more pics, but there is a limit even to my plagiarism of photos. Plus, they would just put us all to shame. Supported headstands, fish, crow, and only 1 (one!) photo of someone falling off the board.
So, I'll have to keep you abreast of this situation. The SUP apparently has been ordered; surely more is to come. Will this be the impetus to get my husband to practice yoga? Will you eventually find photos of me on the internet, precariously taking posture on one of these boards? How am I ever going to find a class in this? You'll just have to keep reading...
In the meantime, I'm off to a Saturday class at the gym! Perfect way to enjoy the gorgeous day!
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