Prep for my Mineralizing Vegetable Broth |
What is it about this crap? It's only available for 2 months a year, but the statistics about the annual consumption of Candy Corn are staggering. The amount of candy corn kernels sold (and, we must assume, consumed) each September/October is sufficient to line up end-to-end and circle the Earth 4 1/4 times. I wish I were making this up. But I'm not. It doesn't even taste *that* good. I mean, really. M&M's are incredibly delicious - in my opinion a perfect food - and available year-round. I haven't had any problems walking right past them and exercising willpower there. Yet, tell me that if I don't eat up as much candy corn as I can get my hands on right now, I won't be able to taste it for another 10 months? Hold me back, girls. And you might need some handcuffs.
So, anyway, in an effort to distract myself, I ate up all of my Kitchari last night. Alas, it didn't stop me from scarfing down a few dozen orange, yellow, and white pellets, but with a full-of-rice belly, I didn't eat as many as I otherwise might have. Anyway, today, I'll need to make a new supply of the stew, and I've decided to make a few variations. Instead of the adding in the vegetable specific for a Pitta imbalance, I'll be adding in the vegetables specific for a Kapha imbalance. We'll see if that make a difference in my satiety levels. I still don't completely understand how certain foods are better for certain doshas; I'm just taking the guidelines' word for it and following along. I am also going to be making homemade Vegetable Broth that I can drink as a "snack". I know, I know, not many of us would consider veggie broth a "snack", but when you think about it, what's wrong with that? A snack is a food that tides you over to your next meal, something that's hopefully nutritive and often tasty. I suppose Vegetable Broth fits the bill on two of the former three. If it's not terribly tasty, who cares. It's not like this is it for the rest of my life. I can make a small sacrifice for the next couple of days. Maybe I'll head right back to the chips and guac or maybe my tastes will change and I'll reach for something healthier.
Another great benefit to the Detox's outline is that there is a daily yoga practice to supplement your cleansing journey. The practices vary in length from 16 to 25 minutes, and it's a nice surprise to get my email every morning with my yoga practice "homework". I try to do it first thing in the morning, which of course is much easier on the weekends, but during the week, it gives me some nice down-time to look forward to!
Perhaps today will be a better day. I have plenty of culinary adventures to keep me busy (and far, far away from that bowl of honeyed triangles).